Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mr. Belvedere : The Letter (1985)

Made for ABC, airing November 22nd in the US.
Season 2. Episode 9.
The story: Wesley has been playing football but he's really horrible at it.
Kevin used to play as well and seeing how his dad is set on someone getting a trophy, he has the idea that he should start playing again.
But he doesnt want his dad to know about it.
When George and Marsha find Kevin's report card and it's really bad, they ground him.
But he can't have that, he's got something important to do.
So for Thanksgiving, Kevin is outta there!
Stars Brice Beckham , Bob Uecker , Rob Stone , Christopher Hewett , Ilene Graff , Tracy Wells , Mary Woronov
Directed by Noam Pitlik
Not Rated

"Well, start a new tradition. Behave yourself."

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