Monday, March 10, 2014

Village of the Damned (1960)

Released December 7th in the US.
Filmed in the UK.
The story : In the small village of Midwich , some people have lost many hours of their day.
All the people have gone into some sort of sleep state.
The police and military are called in to investigate but they never do find a reason or solution.
All of a sudden , out of the blue , the people of the village all awaken at the same time not knowing what happened and not really questioning it.
Not at first anyways.
The next thing you know , all the women of the village who are able to have babies are pregnant. *AH!?*
To some this is a miracle , to others a nightmare.
Little does everyone know that their new children aren't really their children but actually evil beings disguised as children.
And as pretty as they all look , they aren't very nice children at all.
Stars George Sanders , Laurence Naismith , Barbara Shelley , Martin Stephens , Michael Gwynn , Richard Warner , Jenny Laird , Sarah Long , Thomas Heathcote , Charlotte Mitchell , Pamela Buck , Susan Richards , Rosamund Greenwood , Bernard Archard
Directed by Wolf Rilla

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