Monday, March 10, 2014

The Gorgon (1964)

Released February 17th in the US.
Filmed entirely in England.
The story : A young woman pronounces to her non-committing boyfriend that she is pregnant with their child and that she wants them to be married right away.
Her beau will not make a definite plan about marriage and takes off into the night.
She chases after him only to her doom.
When the couple is found , it appears that he has killed his girlfriend and then himself.
There is only one part of this simple puzzle that doesn't compute. The woman , has been turned to stone...
There have been quite a few murders in the last 5 years and all of the victims have been turned to stone.
The explanation isn't quite a simple one , as it involves a 2000 year old myth.
So , is this really possible? No one dares to believe it.
Stars Jeremy Longhurst , Toni Gilpin , Joyce Hemson , Alister Williamson , Peter Cushing , Richard Pasco , Barbara Shelley , Michael Goodliffe , Patrick Troughton , Prudence Hyman , Joseph O'Conor , Christopher Lee , Jack Watson , Redmond Phillips
Directed by Terence Fisher
Not Rated

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