Friday, March 21, 2014

Village of the Damned ; John Carpenter's (1995)

Released April 28th in the US.
Filmed in California.
The story : During a church festival in the small , secluded town of Midwich everyone is instantly thrown into a faint-like state for many hours.
While the police are at the town line trying to figure out what the heck is going on , magically everyone in Midwich awakens.
No one knows what hit them they just know they'd lost most of the day.
Soon , all the women in town - single , married , abstinent , no matter - all find out they are with child.
No one knows how this can be but all the women involved decide to keep their babies and carry them full term.
Soon after all the children are born , everyone in town realizes that there is just something not right about those children.
Little does everyone know , those kids were brought to Earth like a plague to take it over.
Stars Christopher Reeve , Mark Hamill , Peter Jason , Kirstie Alley , Linda Kozlowski , Michael Paré , Meredith Salenger , Pippa Pearthree , Constance Forslund , Karen Kahn , Thomas Dekker , Lindsey Haun , Cody Dorkin
Directed by John Carpenter
Rated R

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