Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Dog Named Gucci (2015)

Released February 14th in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story: In 1994, older gentleman Doug James was looking into selling his house in Alabama.
The day the potential buyer was to show up he did not, so Doug called and made an appointment for the next evening.
The next evening, Doug was outside in the front of his house waiting for the buyer when he heard a dog yelping nearby.
The next thing Doug saw was what appeared to be a dog, fall out of a tree and engulfed in flames...
Doug proceeded to walk to the homes nearby, knocking on doors to find out if anyone knew where the dog was.
Doug and another neighbor found the young pup on fire, hiding underneath a nearby house, and put out the flames with a hose.
The young woman whose dog it was, was not home at the time but when she came home she was unable to provide her dog with the help it needed.
She pleaded with Doug to help her 10-month-old puppy.
Doug complied, which set in motion a road to recovery, support, lifelong friendship, and love.
It also became the start of much-needed change in animal abuse laws, eventually making animal abuse illegal in all states with a stern penalty and important message.
Directed by (and story written) Gorman Bechard
Not Rated

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