Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Halloween That Almost Wasn't AKA The Night Dracula Saved the World (1979)

Made for ABC, airing October 28th in the US.
Filmed entirely in New York.
The story: Dracula awakens one evening to learn from the nightly news that Halloween could be over forever.
There is also a rumor that Dracula himself is responsible for Halloween's soon demise.
This angers Dracula as Halloween is his National holiday.
He decides to get all the monsters together at his place.
He blames them for being sell-outs and jokes, responsible for the vicious rumor.
Dracula learns from Winnie the witch that she is solely responsible for the horrible rumors about Halloweens end.
She is simply sick of being the brunt of ugly girl jokes and even more sick of being a witch.
Dracula wants her to fix the problem but she will not budge unless he obeys some rules she has written for him. 
But he is just as stubborn as her.
Stars Judd Hirsh , Henry Gibson , Andrew Duncan , Jack Riley , Robert Fitch , Josip Elic , John Schuck , Mariette Hartley , Jamie Ross , Maggie Peters Ross , Charles Fields , Kristen Williams
Directed by Bruce Bilson
Not Rated

"Very graceful...."

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