Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Weather Man (2005)

Released October 28th in the US.
Filmed in Illinois and New York.
The story : David is a weather man on the local news , but he thinks that kinda sucks.
Well , the real problem is that David is separated from his wife which bothers him and he is feeling like he's missing out on time with his kids.
When his father finds out he is sick , David decides to try harder to make things right in his life.
But just because he changes his ways doesn't mean everything will work out fine.
Stars Nicholas Cage , Chris Marrs , Michael Caine , Gemmenne de la Pena , Nicholas Hoult , Hope Davis , Michael Rispoli , Gil Bellows , Judith McConnell , Guy Van Swearingen , Alexander Pine
Directed by Gore Verbinski
Rated R

"It's wind , man! It blows all over the place!"

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