Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Want To Live! (1958)

Released November 18th in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.
Based on truths.
The story : Barbara Graham is a loose woman with quiet a few unsavory friends.
She makes a living going along with her friends crimes , being part of their alibi.
But Barbara gets put in jail for her involvement.
She does her time and decides when she gets out that shes had enough.
Barbara will now get hitched and have a baby and that she does.
But her old man is a gambling , losing fool and Barbara gets rid of him.
Now shes stuck with no income and a baby.
Barbara decides to go to her hoodlum friends once again for help.
She insists that they allow her to go along with their latest crime and when they all get caught , Barbara is accused of a crime she did not commit simply because she refuses to rat on her friends.
Stars Susan Hayward , Virginia Vincent , Simon Oakland , Wesley Lau  , Theodore Bikel , Phillip Coolidge , Lou Krugman , James Philbrook , Bartlett Robinson , Alice Backes , Gertrude Flynn
Directed by Robert Wise
Not Rated

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