Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tales from the Darkside : The Yattering and Jack (1987)

Made for TV, airing November 8th in the US.
Season 4. Episode 7.
The story: Sensable Jack the pickle salesman is just getting ready to spend Christmas alone.
His daughter Amanda shows up unexpectedly and wants to spend some time with her dad.
He protests his daughter's visit a bit but then accepts it, like everything else that happens to him.
Little does Jack know, there is a little demon, who is looking to capture Jack's soul by wearing him down.
But no matter what craziness the demon puts Jack through, he still goes on with his life as if everything happening is just inevitable.
Stars Antony Carbonic, Danielle Brisebois, Phil Fondacaro, Thomas Newman, (voice) Paul Sparer, Barbara Shapiro
Directed by David Odell
Not rated

"Que sera sera..."

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