Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Julia : I'm Dreaming of a Black Christmas (1968)

Made for NBC, airing December 24th in the US.
Season 1. Episode 4.
The story: Julia is getting ready to take Corey to her work Christmas party.
Corey is busying coloring Santa Claus pictures in his best coloring book with Earl.
Earl mentions that Corey's Santas' face is the wrong color, as he used the brown crayon.
Corey and Earl get into an argument about it and after Earl leaves, Julia explains to Corey that Santa can be any color.
At the party, the color of Santa confusion continues as the Santa there is white.
Julia's boss explains that one to Corey.
Then it's off to find a Christmas tree but what Corey really wants to do is go visit his uncle Lou in Kansas.
Little do Julia and Corey know, uncle Lou is coming to visit them!
Stars Marc Copage, Michael Link, Lloyd Nolan, Alison Mills Newman, Jack Soo, Lurene Tuttle, Hank Brandt, Betty Beaird, Renny Roker, Eugene Jackson
Directed by Coby Ruskin
Not rated

"How about this kid. You like em voluptuous? Huh? No? This is a good tree. A Mae West-er. The boys overseas would go fruit over this tree. I mean it's got, class. You know what I mean?"

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