Monday, December 15, 2014

Perfect Sisters (2014)

Released April 8th in the US.
Filmed entirely in Canada.
Based on truths.
The story : Sandra and Beth are sisters. They are the closest kind.
For as long as they can remember , it's always been them against the "big , bad world".
Sandra and Beth live with their younger brother , who wants to live with his father and their mother - who has a drinking problem.
No matter how well their mother means , or how much she tries to do the right thing , she cannot keep a job , stay sober or even find a good man for that matter.
Their mother , they believe , is ruining their lives.
The sisters think they would be much better off if their mother was no longer alive.
After dancing with the idea of killing their mother off for insurance money and then constantly talking to people at school about it , the sisters finally do away with their mother.
But is it really better for them without her? And at what price?
Stars Abigail Breslin , Georgie Henley , Mira Sorvino , Rusty Schwimmer , Jeffrey Ballard , Jonathan Malen , Zoe Belkin , Stephan James , James Russo , Caleb Pederson , Braden Pederson , Sarah Constible , Zak Santiago , Ed Sutton , Robert Huculak , John Pielmeier , Frank Adamson
Directed by Stanley M. Brooks
Not rated

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