Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Head Case (2007)

This one, I gotta tell ya...this one has got me allll confused.
Now, it's not the movie or its contents that's got me all bobble-headed, its the fact that this is marketed as a "true story"...hmm
But!... I later found out and I'm a little shaky on this as well, but I later came to the conclusion that this is one of a three-part series, the first of the three as a matter of fact -... hmmm, more confusion.
Okay so...with saying all that...I will just tell you now.
While watching this, I was under the impression that this is, in fact, a true story or at least based on some sort of facts.
Well, this very well may be based on truths...only this film is not based on any one or two real-life people...possibly multiple people, if that makes any sense to you...
You could always go and search around for yourself and get more confused about it all like me! could just watch this and be done with it at the end.
Yep...okay then.
Released, after being shown in many film fests, on DVD - January 24th in the US.
Filmed entirely in Delaware.
The story: Wayne & Andrea Montgomery are a seemingly happily married couple, the parents of two teenage children living the so-called normal suburban life.
But...Wayne and Andrea have more than your regular next-door neighbors in common with each other.
These two have a very dark secret that they are keeping between the two of them and , will stop at nothing to keep their secret hidden.
Stars Paul McCloskey , Barbara Lessin , Emily Spiegel , Bruce De Santis , Brinke Stevens , Tanisha Dungee , Jeff Watson , Dave Wascavage , Stacey Lowery , Erick Kniesler , Beth Sikma , Niki Kehagias , Yolanda Irizarry , Michael J. Panichelli Jr. , Benjamin P. Ablao Jr. , Joey Garrison
Directed by (and story written) Anthony Spadaccini
Not Rated

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