Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Dumb Bunnies : I'll Be Dumb For Christmas (1998)

Made for TV, airing in 1998...
Season 1. Episode 20.
The story:  Every year on Christmas, the Dumb Bunnies do something to help Santa get to them easier...or at least that's what they think!
When Santa arrives this Christmas Eve, he is slightly confused with his landing on the roof goes without a problem.
Then he checks the chimney, which seems clear as well.
So in he jumps, only to slide way too fast down it, landing on his back in their kitchen.
When he asks The Dumb Bunnies about it, they assure him they greased it so he would have a much easier trip down.
But when Santa tries to get up, he realizes he hurt his back.
Now it's up to The Dumb Bunnies to get the rest of Santa's Christmas packages delivered and they couldn't be happier about helping.
Even if it's a really bad idea...
Stars (voices by) Peter Wildman, Dwayne Hill, Catherine Gallant, Rob Smith, Dustin Lauzon, Tony Daniels, Norm Spencer
Directed by Chad Hicks and Eugene Linkov
Rated TVY

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