Saturday, December 5, 2020

Apple & Onion : Christmas Spirit (2020)

Made for Cartoon Network, airing December 5th in the US.
Season 2. Episode 10.
The story: After Apple and Onion exchange Christmas lists with each other they wonder how they will come up with the cash to buy each other their gifts.
They agree they need a job so they quickly search the internet and find that the mall could use a mall Santa Claus.
When they get there, Chicken Nugget the security guard is also there and sees the ad for the mall Santa.
Now Chicken Nugget wants the job as well.
They all apply and because the mall only needs one Santa, the mall boss tells them that they can all play the role of mall Santa.
But the one who gets the most children to visit them will get paid.
Stars (voices by) Richard Ayoade, George Gendi
Directed by George Gendi
Not Rated

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