Wednesday, December 2, 2020

In the Mirror of Maya Deren AKA Im Spiegel der Maya Deren (2001)

Released January 23, 2003, in the US.
Filmed in New York and Haiti.
The story: Quite the privileged upbringing, Eleonora Derenkowska was born in 1917 Russia to very well educated parents.
By 1922, her family had relocated to New York.
Growing up in Syracuse, Eleonora attended prep school in Switzerland.
She became very active in Social Activism in the late 30s and achieved academic degrees in English from New York University and Smith College.
In 1942 she met her husband "Sasha" Hammid who changed her name to Maya, which had many great meanings that suited her.
The couple worked on many projects together.
Lover of so many things, Maya had many interests that she expressed through the innovative art of poetry, dance, song, photography, writing, music, and film making.
In her later years, Maya became fascinated with Haitian culture.
She learned about it, wrote about it, practiced many of their traditions, and lived by them.
She also made movies about it.
Later still,  Maya met and quickly married a dancer friends' son who was 18 years her junior.
The two were together, creating many projects until complications which caused many stresses for the couple.
By October of 1961, at the age of 44, those stresses seemed to be what caused Maya's ultimate demise from a brain hemorrhage.
Stars Alexander "Sasha" Hammid , Miriam Asham , (voice) Maya Deren , Stan Brakhage , Chao Li Chi , Rita Christiani , Katherine Dunham , Graeme Ferguson , Judith Malina , Jonas Mekas
Directed by (& story written) Martina Kudlacek
Not Rated

"In film, I can make the world dance."

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