Monday, September 28, 2015

Evilspeak (1981)

Released February 26 , 1982 in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.
The story : "Coopersmith" is an outcast at the military school he lives at.
Most of the other guys seem to always have a problem with him.
When he is on clean up duty in the basement of the church , he comes across a book of spells from the 1500s.
While working on a project on the computer , Coopersmith decides to take a break and begin translating the book he found.
After a meeting with the colonel , Coopersmith realizes he has lost the book!
But thats okay cause he knows what to ask the computer for anyways.
He wants a spell to help him stand up against his enemies.....
After some unfortunate circumstances the spell book has returned to Coopersmith.
Ah yes , let the games begin.
Stars Richard Moll , Robert Tafur , Clint Howard , Joe Cortese , Claude Earl Jones , RG Armstrong , Bennett Liss , Haywood Nelson , Leonard D'John , Don Stark , Lenny Montana , Lynn Hancock , Katherine Kelly Lang , Sue Casey , Charles Tyner , Hamilton Camp , Kathy McCullenm , Louie Gravance , Loren Lester , Jim Greenleaf , DeForest Covan 
Directed by Eric Weston 
Rated R

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