Thursday, February 26, 2015

Plastic Paradise : The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (2013)

Released April 22nd in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story : So where do you think plastic goes when you throw it away? Does it get recycled? Does it make up a landfill somewhere in a distant place?
Well , plastic has been around for a very long time.
It is indestructable and never breaks down.
It contains many chemicals that , because we use plastic products in our daily lives so often , those chemicals are becoming part of our DNA.
Reguardless of you thinking you are doing your part for the environment by recycling your plastics , that isnt quite enough.
Angela Sun grew up on the beaches of California.
She has always seen the ocean in its natural , pristine state , never questioning any bad that could be occuring within it.
So when she learned that there is a problem in the Pacific Ocean , where it is collecting massive amounts of plastic and contaminating the water , she had to look deeper.
Angela examines the great pacific garbage patch and the effects it is having on the ocean , the wildlife and the environment.
Stars Angela Sun
Directed by ( & story written) Angela Sun
Not Rated

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