Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Atomic Cafe (1982)

Released March 17th in the US.
Filming location(s)unknown.
The story: Setting, World War ll, July 1945.
"The destruction of Nazi Germany by the Allied forces had ended the fighting in Europe.
In the Pacific, Japan was desperately fighting a losing battle against America and her allies.
At Alamogordo New Mexico, a new and secret weapon was about to be tested in the desert."
First, it was the "Trinity" test, which America tested in Japan and after that would not stop bombing until Japan surrenders.
After an American bomb destroys Hiroshima, Japan surrenders - ending the war.
Those responsible for the bomb are called, among other things, derelicts.
By June of 1946, American life as we know it is moving ahead.
And soon, the 4th bomb is scheduled to hit Bikini.
The admiral in charge believes and tells whoever will listen, that "this will be the first step of something good."
But by 1949, Russia is now in possession of the next bomb and oh that's got the Americans in a paranoid tizzy.
But oh, this is just the beginning.
Stars Paul Tibbets , Harry S. Truman , W.H.P. Blandy , Brien McMahon , Lloyd Bentsen , Owen Brewster , Julius Rosenberg , Ethel Rosenberg , Val Peterson , Lyndon Johnson , Lewis Strauss , Jerry Schneider , Mario Salvadori , Nikita Khrushchev , Albert Einstein , J. Edgar Hoover , Dwight D. Eisenhower , Joseph McCarthy , Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan , James E. Van Zandt , Joseph Stalin
Directed by Jayne Loader , Kevin Rafferty & Pierce Rafferty
Not Rated

"PEACE it's Wonderful"

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