Monday, September 16, 2019

Joan Jett Bad Reputation (2018)

Released September 28th in the US.
The story: When Joan was 13 she asked for a guitar for Christmas.
She didn't know how to play she just knew she wanted to play.
By 1975 Joan was being exposed to many famous performers in local clubs.
Then she met music producer Kim Fowley who, like Joan, wanted to market an all-girl rock n roll band.
They began recruiting members and soon the girls became The Runaways.
They toured their hearts out but never seen a dime til after they played Japan.
By the time they hit Japan though the band began falling apart.
Joan became the lone Runaway and played that role out till the end of their contract.
But Joan wasn't done.
She had far more music she wanted to put out and made sure to never lose sight of that dream, along with all its highs and lows.
Stars Joan Jett , Evelyn McDonnell , Don Bolles , Rodney Bingenheimer , Iggy Pop , Cherie Currie , Chris Stein , Deborah Harry , Billie Joe Armstrong , Annie Larkin , Sally Hershberger , Toby Mamis , Lenny Laguna , Meryl Laguna , Bill Curbishley , Adam Hororvitz , Kathleen Hanna , Ian Mackage , Pete Townshend , Bill Cordell , Gary Ryan , Eric Ambel , Mike Ness , Thom Panunzio , Elliot Saltzman , Miley Cyrus , Thommy Price , Dana White , General Byrnes , Dougie Needles , Carianne Brinkman , Laura Jane Grace , Fea , Nikki Haley , Shepard Fairey , Gene Baur , Michel Cho , Kristen Stewart
Directed by Kevin Kerslake 
Rated R

"Girls don't play rock n roll..."


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