Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Booksmart (2019)

Released May 24th in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.

The story: Molly and Amy are high school seniors as well as best friends.
Molly is class president and makes it her mission to be very college minded.
She also has a rule for all the seniors, no one is to tell anyone which college they will be attending.
The friends have spent their whole high school lives studying and being the best students possible, unlike how they see their fellow classmates who don't take anything seriously.
On the day before graduation, Molly overhears a conversation about her.
She steps in to confront the people but they end up busting her bubble by sharing that they too have been accepted to prominent colleges.
This drives Molly over the edge.
She cannot comprehend how her classmates, who don't care about school could have got into good colleges.
After school Molly comes up with the idea that her and Amy should go to the party that everyone else in their class is going to, just so they can say they haven't missed out on everything and maybe hook up with a couple people they've secretly liked all year.
But getting to the party when they aren't really friends with anyone attending, on top of having no idea where it is, is quite the task.
Stars Kaitlyn Dever , Beanie Feldstein , Jason Sudeikis , Jessica Williams , Skyler Gisondo , Mason Gooding , Lisa Kudrow , Will Forte , Victoria Ruesga , Diana Silvers , Billie Lourd
Directed by Olivia Wilde
Rated R

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