Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Devil's Backbone AKA El espinazo del diablo (2001)

Released November 21st in the US.
Filmed entirely in Spain.
The story : It is the late 30s and the end of the civil war in Spain.
Carlos is a young boy whose father died in the war and is now being chaperoned by his tutor.
The two arrive at a boys orphanage.
While there , the tutor decides what is best for Carlos is to leave him there.
Confused and scared , Carlos tries fitting in with the other boys without much choice.
Then he learns of Santi , a boy who once lived at the orphanage that everyone knew but no one knows what happened to.
While carrying out some orders by the orphanage bully , Carlos encounters the ghost of the missing Santi.
Soon Carlos is guided by the ghost through the frightening experience of when he disappeared and why.
Stars Federico Luppi , Marisa Paredes , Eduardo Noriega , Irene Visedo , Jose Manuel Lorenzo , Fernando Tielve , Inigo Garces , Francisco Maestre , Daniel Esparza , JunioValverde , Berta Ojea
Directed by Guillermo del Toro
Rated R
Spanish w/English subtitles


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