Friday, February 1, 2013

Tourette de France (2007)

Made for TV, airing only in the UK, January 11th.
Filming location(s)unknown.
The story: Keith Allen, filmmaker, and father of singer Lily Allen decide he would like to find out, up close and personally what makes people with Tourette's tick, so to speak.
He goes on a trip with a group of young "touretters" as he calls them, to learn as much as he can and to help us all understand people with Tourettes better.
The group is en route to the hospital in Paris where the first case of Tourettes was diagnosed and they do a lot of sightseeing, relaxing and having a crazy good ole time along the way.
Stars Keith Allen , John Davidson , David Irving
Directed by Keith Allen & Ned Parker
Not Rated

"It's not tragic or comic. It's just a part of who these people are."

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