Friday, February 1, 2013

The Good Life (2010)

Released only in film fests, being shown April 22, 2011, in San Francisco.
Filmed entirely in Portugal.
The story: It has been quite a few tough years for mother and daughter, Annemette and Mette Beckmann.
While the man of the house was still alive, the small family of three lived quite well never wanting for anything as he was an heir to his rich father's fortune.
But all of a sudden, when the revolution happened, the family basically was robbed of their riches and left for broke, having just about nothing to fall back on.
These days, mother and daughter are stuck living together in very close quarters.
The two live off the of the mother's state checks and selling off beautiful vintage things that were gifts to their family when they were well off.
We get to see the daughter, who mind you is a 50-year-old woman more than able to take care of herself and elderly mother physically just not mentally - give her mother shit for not raising her correctly so she could fend for herself.
The two go through many daily problems which all arise due to their lack of cash flow.
So, the daughter is increasingly bored, lonely, tired, angry and quite needy - not exactly taking into consideration that her mother is old and could be gone any day or how badly she feels for her daughter or how much she worries about her future. Daughter has her little dog - Lady, whom she loves to pieces and every now and then she goes out to the disco and dances by herself or goes to get her tarot read.
Stars Annemette Beckmann , Mette Beckmann
Directed by Eva Mulvad
Not Rated

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