Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Velvet Vampire (1971)

Released June of 1971 in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.
The story: Married couple Lee and Susan are in attendance at an art gallery owned and operated by their friend Carl.
While there, they meet and are introduced to mysterious Diane.
Diane takes a quick liking to Lee and invites the couple to her home for the weekend in the desert.
At first, Susan is very reluctant to go, especially due to how Lee seems to really dig on Diane.
But Susan agrees to go anyways and just when Lee is finally ready to leave, Susan wants to stay.
The couple goes back and forth wanting to leave but really cannot due to their car being at the shop and not yet fixed.
But Diane is a killer with the intention of never letting Lee and Susan leave no matter what they do.
Stars Celeste Yarnall, Robert Tessier, Michael Blodgett, Sherry E DeBoer, Gene Shane, Johnny Shines, Jerry Daniels, Paul Prokop, Chris Woodley, Sandy Ward 
Directed by Stephanie Rothman
Rated R

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