Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Company of Wolves (1984)

Released April 19, 1985, in the US.
Filmed entirely in England.
The story: Rosaleen is a young girl who lives with her mother, father, and pesky older sister Alice.
When her parents arrive home one day from the market they send Alice to retrieve Rosaleen but she is fast asleep, dreaming dreams.
The first dream Rosaleen dreams is of Alice, running through the woods of the Middle Ages when she is attacked and killed by werewolves...
Next, she, along with her parents and granny are in attendance at poor Alice's funeral.
Now Rosaleen spends much time with granny, listening to many stories about werewolves, how to identify them, as well as avoiding them.
Rosaleen spends the rest of the day, well into the night dreaming dreams of life in the Middle Ages and steering clear of werewolves any way possible...
Stars Georgia Slowe, Tusse Silberg, David Warner, Sarah Patterson, Angela Lansbury, Shane Johnstone, Brian Glover, Graham Crowden, Susan Porrett, Kathryn Pogson, Stephen Rea
Directed by Neil Jordan 
Rated R

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