Monday, May 25, 2020

Creepshow : The Companion/Lydia Layne's Better Half (2019)

Made for Shutter , aired on AMC , May 25, 2020 in the US.
Season 1. Episode 4.
Filming location(s) unknown.
Story 1 : Harold is a kid who cant catch a break.
He has an older brother Billy , who gets his kicks by beating up and torturing Harold.
On this day , things are no different.
While Harold is out trying to gather his thoughts , Billy comes looking for him for yet another payback.
Harold runs off into the woods until he finds a clearing with a scarecrow in it.
The scarecrow has a stick , sticking out of it and Harold snags that for protection and then runs off into a closeby abandoned house.
But when someone comes knocking loudly at the door , Harold only assumes it's Billy...
Story 2 : Lydia Layne is a power-hungry business woman who seems to be unstoppable.
On this evening , Michael and Celia , two of Lydia's top employees have met with her about a promotion for the CEO position.
When Lydia gives the job to Michael , Celia cannot accept that.
Really pissed off now , Celia will not stop bashing Lydia and when she will not stop , Lydia accidentally busts her lip.
Now Celia's really pissed and threatens to take Lydia down by any means possible.
But Lydia isn't going to let that happen.
Stars Logan Allen , Dylan Gage , Voltaire Colin Council , Carey Jones , Afemo Omilami , Addison Hershey , Michael Scialabba , Danielle Lyn , Jordan Patrick , Dennis Bouldin , David Wise
Directed by Roxanne Benjamin and David Bruckner
Rated TV14

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