Friday, January 10, 2020

Gremlin (2017)

Released June 8th in the US.
Filmed entirely in Oklahoma.
The story: Jim, a man who owns an unusual box, which has killed off most of his loved ones, believes, for good reason, it will kill him as well if he does not get rid of it.
To get rid of the box and its inner curse Jim must give the box away to someone he truly loves...
He gives it to his beloved mother, who he hasn't seen in months.
Nor did he know that some of his relatives have moved in with her.
After the cursed box gets rid of Jim's mother, it starts its destruction on the family members living in her home.
Stars Mike Waugh, Stacy Casaluci, Vicki Wilcox, Adam Hampton, Kristy K Boone, Catcher Stair, Mike Page, Katie Burgess, , Connie Franklin, Caleb Milby, Kyle Penington, Chris Cane
Directed by Ryan Bellgardt
Not Rated

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