Saturday, March 23, 2019

Los Reyes (2018)

Released March 3 , 2019 in the US.
Filmed entirely in Chile.
Apparently this film was originally supposed to be about the skate park and the skaters who skate there. That is until the filmmakers began thinking that the real story was actually about Football and Chola.
The story : Los Reyes AKA The Kings is the oldest and one of the largest skate parks in Santiago , Chile.
Located inside and part of an integrated park system known as The Park of Kings , it features a cultural center , youths orchestra center , metro station , sports center , flea market and public pool.
The Park of Kings is quite the busy spot.
Always about are Football and Chola ,  two stray dogs who have taken up residency in and around Los Reyes.
The two spend their time barking at passersby , sleeping and playing with many things that they find amusing.
While Football and Chola go about their ways , they are usually surrounded by skaters and park workers , as well as the occasional cyclist without too many acknowledging them at all.
Stars Football and Chola
Directed by Bettina Perut and Ivan Osnovikoff 
Not Rated

"Dedicated to Football..."

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