Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Boy (2016)

Released January 22nd in the US.
Filmed entirely in Canada.
The story : Small-town girl Greta has relocated to England.
She is taking a job as a nanny and welcoming a change from her past.
Greta arrives at a giant mansion and finds it empty.
When the lady of the house finally appears she is eager to introduce Greta to her son , Brahms.
To Greta's surprise , Brahms is a doll....
When Brahms "parents" finally leave Greta alone with him , Greta is completely freaked out and doesn't do any of the chores asked of her.
But when Brahms seems to be alive Greta begins taking a liking to him and does the tasks asked of her along with talking to Brahms as if he is in fact alive.
But Brahms isn't a real boy.... is he?
Stars Lauren Cohen , Matthew Walker , Diana Hardcastle , Jim Norton , Rupert Evans , Ben Robson , James Russell
Directed by William Brent Bell
Rated PG13

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