Friday, January 2, 2015

What's the Matter with Helen (1971)

Released June 30th in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story : Helen and Adelle are good friends.
They are living together in New York , Adele teaching dance while Helen plays the piano for the classes.
The two ladies have recently seen their sons be put in prison on murder charges.
The women decide to relocate to California , where everything will be so much better for them.
Adelle has some very high hopes for the future and she cannot forget about the past fast enough.
But poor Helen. She just cannot forget about the past...and when she cant help but think about it , she begins to halluciate some pretty disturbing things.
Helen is slowly losing it and Adelle is just a bit too busy to realize how bad she is.
Adelle is just torn. She is sick of dealing with Helens psychosis but she wants to help her just the same.
But Helen is beyond help.
Stars Shelley Winters , Debbie Reynolds , Dennis Weaver , Helene Winston , Paulle Clark , Yvette Vickers , Molly Dodd , Samee Lee Jones , Robbi Morgan , Debbie Van Den Houten , Teresa De Rose , Micheal MacLiammoir , Agnes Moorehead , Timothy Carey , Logan Ramsey
Directed by Curtis Harrington
Rated PG

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