Friday, March 8, 2013

Savage Weekend (1979)

Sometimes, I watch a movie... and I find myself wondering why anyone would make that movie.
Yep, this is one of those special movies.
Not released in the US... I don't know. Seriously.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story: A group of people go to the country.
One of the guys in the group has bought a boat that had belonged to someone who started to build it but ended up having to sell it.
So they are all going up for a little r&r , while checking on the boat's progress.
So anyway, the guy who sold the boat has a big ass problem with the guy, because he bought the boat.
This proves really bad for the group.
Stars Christopher Allport , Jim Doerr , David Gale , Devin Goldenberg , Marilyn Hamlin , Caitlin O'Heaney , Jeff Pomerantz , William Sanderson , Yancy Butler , Adam Hirsch , Don Plumley , Ben Simon
Directed by David Paulsen & John Mason Kirby
Rated R

"You get get weird."

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