Sunday, August 25, 2024

Antibirth (2016)

Released September 2nd in the US.
Filmed in Canada.
The story: Two weeks after some really heavy partying, good-time gal Lou is feeling like complete shit...
She goes to visit an old friend and, after telling her what is going on, her friend suggests that she get a pregnancy test.
Lou blacked out at the party, but she truly believes she would have remembered if she had sex...
When Lou takes a test and discovers the enviable, she cannot believe it.
Lou soon drags her sickly ass to work,  cleaning rooms at a local hotel because she's broke.
When she passes out while in a room, she wakes to find a strange lady who apparently helped her after finding her past out.
Every day things get worse and worse with Lou. Her stomach is growing at an alarming rate and some other really painful and bizarre things are happening to her that don't exactly go along with being pregnant.
Lou goes through each passing day, feeling like shit and getting sicker and sicker until the woman who helped her at work tracks her down to tell her what she believes is really going on.
Stars Natasha Lyonne, Chloe Sevigny, Maxwell McCabe Lokos, Mark Webber, Emmanuel Kabongo, MJ Dionne, Lili Francks, Morgan Bedard, Corey Pascal, Jessica Greco, Meg Tilly
Directed by (& story written) Danny Perez
Not Rated

"I wouldn't call it much of a performance."

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