Sunday, July 7, 2024

Satan Wants You (2023)

Released October 20th in the US.
Filmed entirely in Canada.
The story: In 1973, Michelle Smith was a 23-year-old woman who had been a long-time therapy patient of Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder.
Michelle hadn't seen her doctor in some time but when she suffered a miscarriage in 1976, Pazder was back in her life as he believed she could use some help dealing with her latest trauma.
During these more recent therapy sessions, Smith began showing signs that she was suffering from some suppressed memories from her childhood. 
Namely, those memories spoke about being subjected to satanic rituals at the hands of a satanic cult.
Under hypnosis, Smith began spilling the beans on these suppressed memories.
Throughout 14 months, Pazder recorded 600 hours of Smith's memories that she spoke of while under hypnosis.
The result became a best-selling book titled 'Michelle Remembers', authored by Smith and Pazder, which made, matter-of-fact claims of Smith being abused in various forms by a cult worshipping under the order of 'The Church of Satan' when she was 5 years old in 1954 and ending the next year.
Smith also made the claim that her very own mother was part of the cult and was the reason she had been exposed to these horrible experiences.
After Smith and Pazder went on to become rich and famous due to their book which was even backed financially by a Christian church, doubtful allegations would eventually arise about suppressed memory, satanic cults/rituals, and Michelle's claims.
'Michelle Remembers' is said to be just about completely responsible for the 'Satanic Panic' craze of the early 1980s.
It also made Pazder a sought-after official expert by police officials on the subject of satanic cults and their role in child abuse cases.
Stars Charyl Proby Austman, Jeffrey S Victor, Charles Innis, Blanche Barton, Debbie Nathan, Ken Lanning, Sarah Marshall 
Directed by (& story written) Steve J Adams & Sean Horlor
Not Rated

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