Monday, November 15, 2021

Love , Antosha (2019)

Released August 2nd in the US.
The story: Actor Antosha "Anton" Viktorovich Yelchin was born in the Soviet Union to Russian/Jewish parents Irina Korina and Viktor Yelchin.
His parents were figure skaters who starred in the Leningrad Ice Ballet for 15 years.
The family relocated to America when Anton was just six months old.
Right before Anton began taking acting classes for fun, his parents learned their son had cystic fibrosis.
Now unsure of the rest of his life, his parents made sure to guide him along on the path he enjoyed most.
He was ambitious, had a love for the camera, and was always so eager to learn.
He began taking acting classes but after a short time was advised to go on auditions.
When he did audition, he got roles in commercials.
Anton also had a love for guitar playing and taught himself to play.
He soon became tired of commercials and went on to find himself starring in movies and television shows.
Anton began learning and growing from the famous people he now got to spend his time around while always acting as much as possible and learning all he could about cinema and life.
He wanted to have all and every experience he could think of , while taking care of himself, by himself and the people he loved.
Just when Anton was finally seeing his dream of directing his own film happen , tragedy struck him down.
Stars (voice) Anton Yelchin, Irina Korina, Viktor Yelchin, John Cho, Sofia Boutella, Marlon Clark, JJ Abrams, Frank Langelia , Kristen Stewart, (voice) Nicholas Cage, Ben Foster, Mary Lester, Ian Cripps, Luke Shaft, Jon Poll, Marlon Clark, Nick Jones, Simon Pegg , Zoe Saldana , Chris Pine , Zachery Qunito , Dave Glowacki , Bryce Dallas Howard , Jodie Foster , Jennifer Lawrence , Gino Tuso , Sophie Simpson , Drake Dorimus , Craig Gillespie , William Defoe , Martin Landau , Joe Dante , Jon Voight , A Purush MD , Mark Palansky , Anya Taylor Joy , Ryan Dean , Paul David
Directed by Garret Price
Rated R

"Art was life. Life was art."

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