Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hesher (2010)

Released May 13 , 2011 in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.
The story : Young TJ has recently lost his mother in a car accident.
When he finds that his mothers car is being sold by his father , TJ wants it back.
He goes to the car dealer to whom it was sold asking for the car but is sent away and bullied by the dealers son.
Dealing with his anger in a violent way , TJ throws a rock through an abandoned buildings window.
The next thing he knows , he is being dragged inside the building by a strange long-haired man who apparently has been living in the building and is now pissed that TJ blew his cover.
Every day is a depressing one.
TJ arrives home after being bullied at school to his grandmothers house where him and his now disconnected father are living.
TJ is starting to believe the girl at the grocery who helped him when he was getting beat up is his friend and the strange man from the abandoned building keeps appearing , then moves into grandma's garage becoming closer to grandma and kinda closer to TJ , in a twisted sort of way...
But TJ just wants his moms car back.
Stars Devin Brochu , John Carroll Lynch , Brendan Hill , Natalie Portman , Joseph Gordon Levitt , Rainn Wilson , Piper Laurie , Van Epperson , Monica Staggs , Frank Collison 
Directed by Spencer Susser
Rated R

"You lost your wife. You lost your mother. I lost my nut."

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