Friday, August 16, 2013

Popcorn (1991)

Released February 1st in the US.
Filmed entirely in Jamaica.
The story : A group of film students' teacher gives them a great idea.
How about they all put together a one night show , featuring the films they have been working on...?!
And how about showing them in the closed down , ever-popular Dreamland Theater??!
After the students agree , being finally convinced that it is a fantastic idea all around, they find an old , locked away film reel.
The cover of the film reel case reads 'Warning : Do Not Open'. Ha...well you know what that means don't cha??
Yep , they open and watch the short film , which turns out to be some old film students doom and gloom film directed towards his fellow students who all laughed at him.
The night the students open the theater turns out to be a big success.
Until people start dying.
Stars Jill Schoelen , Elliott Hurst , Derek Rydall , Malcolm Danare , Dee Wallace , Tom Villard , Ivette Soler , Kelly Jo Minter , Freddie Simpson , Karen Lorre , Tony Roberts , Ray Walston , Scott Thompson , Will Knickerbocker , Ethan Ormsby
Directed by Mark Herrier
Rated R

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