Monday, March 26, 2012

The Shrine (2010)

Released in 2010 in the US. 
Filmed entirely in Canada.
The story: Carmen is a journalist who is sick and tired of getting the same kind of lame, boring stories to cover.
She wants something huge to pull her right over the top.
Her and a fellow journalist have been researching disappearances that have been happening in Polland in a specific area...
Including the most recent one, being of a guy around their age who is also a journalist.
The two scheme a plan, bringing along Carmens' beau - to go to Polland and investigate just what happened.
Stars Cindy Sampson , Aaron Ashmore , Meghan Heffern , Ben Lewis , Laura de Carteret , Julia Debowska , Trevor Matthews , Paulino Nunes , Danijel Mandic , Voytek Skrzeta , David Tompa , Alexander Krstich , Neil Davison
Directed by (and story written) Jon Knautz
Rated R

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