Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blood Beach (1981)

Released January 28th in the US.
Filmed in Santa Monica.
The story: Harry is a beach patrolman who meets and greets many people who live on the beach every morning.
On this particular morning, after greeting a very close friend, he soon hears her screams for his help.
When he returns to the shore to help, his beloved friend is nowhere to be found but her companion dog will not leave the sight where she was last seen - on the sands of the beach.
Now the town is in chaos as every night at least one person shows up missing without any explanation until a common beach-goer is attacked while being buried under beach sand.
Stars David Huffman , Marianna Hill , Lena Pousette , Darrell Fetty , Harriet Medin , Mickey Fox , Burt Young , Otis Young , John Saxon , Stefan Gierasch , Eleanor Zee , Pamela McMyler , Laura Burkett , Marleta Giles , Jacqueline Randall
Directed by (and story written) Jeffrey Bloom
Rated R

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