Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Honeymoon Killers (1970)

Released February 4th in the US.
Filmed entirely in New York.
Based on truths.
The story: Martha is a lonely woman who over eats when she is upset.
She lives in Alabama, working as a nurse and caring for her senile mother.
When her friend signs her up for the friendship club, it only upsets her.
But after her friend talks her into it, considering she could meet a nice man who will love her she decides to write.
Ray is the first and only man who writes her back
He happens to be a gigolo, who makes his living scamming woman out of all their funds.
Martha and Ray write letters back and forth for months before Ray comes to visit with her.
Right away,  Martha is smitten and when Ray returns home Martha gets her friend to help her convince him to come back to her.
Soon Martha is in New York with Ray, going along with his scams.
In time Martha even begins helping Ray but when she becomes increasingly jealous and cannot handle sharing Ray, the two decide that the only way they can continue on is if they kill their unsuspecting victims.
Stars Shirley Stoler, Doris Roberts, Mary Jane Higby, Tony Lo Bianco, Barbara Cason, Dortha Duckworth, Mary Breen, Ann Harris, Elsa Raven, Marilyn Chris, Kip McArdle, Mary Engel
Directed by Leonard Kastle, Martin Scorsese & Donald Volkman
Rated R

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