Monday, October 7, 2013

Deadly Blessing ; Wes Craven's (1981)

Released August 14th in the US.
Filmed in Ohio and Texas.
The story : Tom and Martha are a young happily married couple.
They happen to live in the boonies with the Amish-like Hittites , which Tom used to be a part of considering his whole family is a Hittie.
Tom and Martha mind their own business and stay away from Toms' family basically because they dont care for Martha.
Toms' family believes Martha is a demon of sorts , who has lured the poor , innocent Tom away from his family.
When Tom is killed suddenly , Martha is left all alone. This really isnt good and ever since Toms' death , others have been turning up dead.
Everyone believes its Martha who is causing the deaths but...
Then a couple of Marthas' gal pals come to stay with her and instead of just Martha all three of the girls are terrorized by who knows what!
Stars Jonathon Gulla , Maren Jensen , Jeff East , Douglas Barr , Ernest Borgnine , Annabelle Weenick , Lisa Hartman , Michael Berryman , Lois Nettleton , Sharon Stone , Susan Buckner , Colleen Riley , Bobby Dark , Kevin Cooney
Directed by Wes Craven
Rated R

Wait for it!

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