Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ma (2019)

Released May 31st in the US.
Filmed in Mississippi.
The story: Maggie is the new girl in town.
She is quickly accepted by a group of kids at school as one of their own.
One night they all get together, plan on getting some booze and partying.
But they need a buyer...
After one of the friends tries getting a buyer but has no luck the rest of the kids nominate Maggie.
On her second try, she almost gets let down once again but something changes the woman's mind and she buys liquor for them.
Then the woman gives them her phone number and insists that they all come to her house to have a safe place to party.
As good as this all seems, after a couple weird experiences, it's obvious that the helpful woman who insists they all call her "Ma", has some really bad intentions.
Stars Diana Silvers, Juliette Lewis, McKaley Miller, Corey Fogelmanis, Dante Brown, Tanyell Waivers, Dominic Burgess, Octavia Spencer, Heather Marie Pate, Gianni Paolo
Directed by Tate Taylor
Rated R

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