Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cyrus (2010)

Released July 16th in the US.
Filming locations(s) unknown.
The story : John is depressed.
He just found out his ex wife is getting married. Now it looks like there's no hope at all for him , even though its been 7 years.
While telling John her plans , his ex invites him to a party. He doesn't want to go but he goes.
After trying to talk to women all night John just about gives up.
That's when he meets Molly who seems to really dig him.
The two quickly get together but Molly is always taking off and not giving a reason for it.
So one night John follows her home in hopes of finding out why she is so secretive.

Stars John C Reilly , Catherine Keener , Diane Mizota , Katie Aselton , Matt Walsh , Kathy Wittes , Marisa Tomei , Jonah Hill , Tim Guinee , Charlie Brewer , Jamie Donnelly , Steve Zissis
Directed by ( & story written) Jay and Mark Duplass
Rated R

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