Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hot Coffee (2011)

Airing on HBO , June 27th in the US.
Filmed in Washington DC , New York , New Mexico , Georgia , Texas and Alabama.
The story : In 1992 , a 79-year-old lady by the name of Stella Liebeck suffered third degree burns on her lap area due to a scolding hot cup of coffee she had purchased at McDonald's.
After being treated for her injuries , her family seen that now would be a good time to ask McDonald's to help in her medical costs.
As it were , McDonald's only agreed to give the woman a mere 8 hundred dollars , when infact her bills were soaring over a 10 thousand dollar range.
So she sued.
At the end of the trial , the jury awarded Stella Liebeck with $160,000 for medical costs and $2.7 million for punitive damages.
Later , the ruling judge overturned the jurys' decision and lowered Stellas' award to $640,000 along with an undisclosed amount agreed to out of court.
This specific suit brought on a whole new world in court cases , laws and the amounts of money awarded to people who sue with and if infact are allowed to sue with , civil common law claims such as liability , malpractice and contracts under arbitration.
All carried out and onward by a thing called the Tort Reform.
Stars Stella Liebeck , Joan Claybrook , Oliver Diaz , Joanne Doroshow , Al Franken , Colin Gourley , Connor Gourley , John Grisham , Jamie Leigh Jones , Stephanie Mencimer , Victor Schwartz , Wayne Slater , Chris Tiano , Alex Winslow
Directed by Susan Saladoff
Not Rated

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