Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Child's Play (2019)

Released June 21st in the US.
Filmed in Canada and Illinois.
The story: At the Buddi doll factory a man gets canned for daydreaming.
Before he is to leave he must finish the doll he's working on and be on his way.
The man is working on the security protocols with the Buddi dolls and decides to shut them all off on his last creation.
Then he packs up the doll nice and neat for shipment and off it goes.
In another place, lonely young Andy lives with his single mom.
She works hard to make a life for herself and Andy but it's hard.
When a woman at the department store that Andy's mom works at returns a Buddi doll, claiming it has a malfunction, Andy's mom makes sure to take the doll home to Andy.
At first, Andy isn't thrilled about his new best friend until the end, but after a short time, he takes a liking to the doll.
The only problem is, Andy's new best friend will stop at nothing and let no one between the two of them, even if it means killing people.
Stars Tim Matheson, Johnson Phan, Phoenix Ly, Zahra Anderson, Gabriel Bateman, Brian Tyree Henry, Carlease Burke, Beatrice Kitsos, Ty Consiglio, David Lewis, Amro Majzoub
Directed by Lars Klevberg
Rated R

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