Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Girl (2012)

Made for HBO , airing October 20th in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
Based on truths.
The story : After Alfred Hitchcock's raved success with the movie 'Psycho' , he has immediately thrown himself into another movie production , 'The Birds'. This movie , he believes will be bigger and better than the last.
One day , while chit-chatting about the film with his wife , they both see new comer Tippi Hedren on their tv screen.
His wife makes a comment that Tippi has a nice smile and the next thing they know they are meeting with Tippi in hopes that she will accept their invitation to be the big star of his new film.
Of course she accepts the movie invitation and tells him she will take on anything he is willing to throw at her for this role.
Soon she is battling unwanted invitations to sleep with Mr. Hitchcock.
It seems the more jealous he gets about Tippi giving her attention to others and the more she refuses his advances , the worse production of the film becomes for her.
As grueling , destructive and abusive as the role gets for Miss Hedren , she holds her ground , not allowing Mr. Hitchcock to break her or make her walk away before the movie is finalized.
She takes this all in stride.
Next she learns that Hitchcock has written a role for his favorite leading lady , Grace Kelly.
But seeing how she cannot and will not take this role in his next film , he is insistent that Miss Hedren take the part of Marnie. This will be the last film collaboration between Mr. Hitchcock and Miss Hedren.
Stars Toby Jones , Imelda Staunton , Sienna Miller , Conrad Kemp , Penelope Wilton , Angelina Ingpen , Candice D'Arcy , Carl Beukes , Kate Tilley , Aubrey Shelton , Leon Clingman , Patrick Lyster , Adrian Galley , Sean Cameron Michael
Directed by Julian Jarrold
Rated PG14

"Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up bloody footprints."

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