Saturday, December 5, 2020

Heart of a Dog (2015)

Released March 1st in the US.
Filmed in New York.
The story: Laurie Anderson, poet and performance artist tells us many tales.
She speaks of dreams, her dream of her beloved terrier Lolabelle and her dream of her dying mother, her home in Manhattan, and life in Manhattan after 9/11.
Then, Laurie takes Lolabelle and travels to the mountains in California.
The two spend much time there, just enjoying themselves and relaxing in the beautiful wide open.
Returning to New York, she finds things are much more strange than when she left.
The government is everywhere and collecting data all the time.
Laurie speaks of who she was as a child and then goes into the aging of Lolabelle.
Lolabelle's trainer taught Laurie and her dog many things.
When aging Lolabelle lost her eyesight she was taught to paint, sculpt, and play music.
She played many live shows, charities for animals and even released a Christmas album.
This is Laurie's reflection on her loved ones who died and how she's learned to eventually deal with and feel about losing them.
Stars (voice) Laurie Anderson , Archie , Jason Berg , Heung Heung Chin , Bob Currie , Paul Davidson , Dustin Guy Defa , Etta , Evelyn Fleder , Willy Friedman , Gatto , Sasha Grossman 
Directed by (& story written) Laurie Anderson
Not Rated

"Every love story is a ghost story."

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