Sunday, August 16, 2020

Cactus Flower (1969)

Released December 16th in the US.

Filmed entirely in New York.
The story: Toni Simmons is a young woman in love with Doctor Julian Winston.

When the doctor blows Toni off on their one year anniversary she cannot bare to not be with him and decides to end it all.

But her neighbor, who she's never met, saves her and the two become quick friends.

Worried about Toni, Julian visits her only to find that she no longer wants anything to do with him.

Considering he is in love with Toni and feels threatened he will finally lose her, he proposes to her.

But Toni wants to make sure that Julians' soon to be ex-wife is okay with that.

Problem is, even though he's been telling Toni he's married he isn't really.

Stars Goldie Hawn, Rick Lenz, Ingrid Bergman, Walter Matthau, Jack Weston, Irene Harvey, Mathew Saks, Irwin Charone, Eve Bruce, Vito Scotti 

Directed by Gene Saks

Rated M


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