Monday, June 15, 2015

Let the Fire Burn (2013)

Released October 2nd in the US.
The story : Once upon a time in Philadelphia , in 1985 , there was a peaceful black liberation movement organization named MOVE.
MOVE , originally called the 'Christian Movement for Life' , was founded in Philadelphia 1972 by John Africa.
Members were mostly black , wore their hair in dreadlocks and were radical demonstrators of green politics and the hunter-gatherer society.
The members of MOVE believed they were not a cult, but infact lived by their own beliefs in God , child-rearing , politcal views , animal rights and food.
Each member had a name that ended in 'Africa'.
For sometime , MOVE lived in peaceful bliss.
But there was always an increasing group of people complaining about the filth , parole violations, contempt of court , illegal possession of firearms , noise at all hours of the day and night coming from the MOVE residence and so-called terrorist threats.
One day , the mayor of Philadelphia W. Wilson Goode and the Philadelphia Police Department began referring to MOVE as a terrorist group.
Stars Birdie Africa , William Brown III , John Africa , Ramona Africa , Wilson Goode , Sue Africa , Tomaso Africa , Delbert Africa , William B. Lytton , LaVerne Sims , Louise James , Frank Rizzo , David Shrager , John Cresse , Lucien Blackwell , Bennie Swans , James Ramp , Edward Rendell , Tom Snyder , Novella Williams , George Draper , Carrie Foskey , Lloyd Wilson
Directed by Jason Osder
Not Rated

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