Sunday, June 9, 2024

Asphalt City AKA Black Flies (2023)

Released March 29, 2024 in the US.
Filmed in New York.
The story: Ollie Cross is a young paramedic from Colorado.
He is currently living and working in New York City.
Ollie hasn't been on the job long , he is still learning the ropes.
But with all the hustle and bustle of the dark streets of New York, things get hectic in his line of work fast.
Ollie and his veteran paramedic/partner Gene Rutkovsky quickly begin bonding, while Ollie learns a lot about the job from Gene.
Their line of work is slowly taking its toll on Ollie but things get heavy when he and Gene are called to help a woman giving birth.
Stars Tye Sheridan, Sean Penn, Mike Tyson, Michael Pitt, Raquel Nave, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Ramon Aleman, Shelly Burrell, Katherine Waterston, Kali Reis, Jagan Badvel, Jagruti Deshmukh, Tanzeel Kayani, Daniel Foote, George W Contreras, Donna Glaesener, Decanter James 
Directed by Gene Stephane Sauvaire 
Rated R

"Dedicated to all the Emergency Medical Services workers across the world who continue to provide uninterrupted service on the front lines of emergency care.

May those who have lost in the line of duty, to suicide or illness, forever rest in peace and be our guardian angels."

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