Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Finders Keepers (2015)

Released September 25th in the US.
The story : Shannon Whisnant , is an entrepreneur who purchases things no one wants , refurbishes them and sells them back to the public who does want them.
Shannon paid good money for a storage unit which was auctioned off by the storage company due to the owner no longer paying for it.
Inside the storage unit among other things , was a grill with a human foot inside....
When Shannon went public with this find , the man who was once attached to the foot came forward.
John Wood had lost his foot quite sometime prior to Shannon finding it , in a plane crash in which his beloved father lost his life as well.
John would like his foot back.
Shannon bought the foot fair and square and truly believes the foot now belongs to him.
A battle between the two men quickly ensues.
Directed by Bryan Carberry and Clay Tweel
Not Rated

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